August 21, 2009
Cinci a witch?
Well, it's not for Cinciallegra but she seems really particular wearing a witch's outfit, isn't it?
# Other accessories included with outfit: Drawstring Bag
# Flower Hair Accessory
# Plush Doll
# Doll stand
August 14, 2009
Anne Shirley
Anne of Green Gables wears a corduroy jumper with a white pinafore, white bloomers, and black lace up boots. Her red hair is done up in braids with red ribbons at the ends. She has adorable freckles on her face underneath her blue eyes.
April, 2004
Other accessories included with doll & outfit:
- Floral Hat
- Travel Carpet Bag
August 13, 2009
August 9, 2009
August 3, 2009
Other accessories included with doll & outfit:
- Headdress
- Doll Stand
September Pullip is a lady with passing love…Her love for him continues to grow deeper with each passing day. She wears a fabulous dress with delicate colors and she is so sweet!!!
- She piles her beautiful silver hair on the top of her head!!
- She has a sparkle in her eyes toward a dream man she has been secretly imagined!!
- September Pullip doll comes with a delicate dress and nice headdress made by lace and tulle.
August 1, 2009
Pullip Mir
"I pray under the cold water even today... Feel like so."